Even if rather poor compared to other areas of the Ancient world, the lychnological bibliography and hence knowledge on lamps produced or imported in the Near East and Egypt has witnessed a small 'boom' in the last twenty years. Erasing too many approximations, we were forced to use before, lacking of data issued from in-depth studies made on large corpuses, provided either by large museum collections or from recent excavation stratigraphic contexts.
Five books recently appeared, widening dramatically the number of published artefacts and allowing further new reflections. This study is devoted to underline and bring to the researchers' awareness the most recent and the most important lamp studies published about materials from Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, the Holy Land and Egypt for a better understanding of the frame in which these five volumes, analysed at the end of the paper, fit in.Keywords
DOI: 10.14795/j.v2i1.96
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