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CĂLINA, Vlad, National Museum of Romanian History, Bucharest
Călina, Vlad, National Museum of Romanian History
Candea, Ionel, Brăila Museum ‘Carol I’
Canduci, Alexander, BaAppSci
Cantarero-Malagón, Antonio Samuel, University of Granada
CARRASCO, Juan Manuel Campos, Department of History, Geography and Anthropology, University of Huelva.
Cattaneo, Alessandro, University of Padova
CESARETTI, Andrea, ISMEO - The Archaeological Association for Mediterranean and Oriental Studies
Cesarik, Nikola, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts
Cesarik, Nikola, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka
Cesarik, Nikola, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts Institute for Historical and Social Sciences in Rijeka
CEYLAN, Mesut, "Ataturk University"
CHAPINAL-HERAS, Diego, Complutense University of Madrid
Charnowszki, Laurent, Université Lyon II Lumière
Chemuranov, Oleksiy, Independent researcher
Cioată, Daniel, Mureş County Museum, Târgu Mureş
Ciołek, Renata, University of Warsaw
Ciucălău, Daniel, Botosani County Museum
Ciuperca, Bogdan
CIUTĂ, Beatrice, „1 Decembrie 1918” University from Alba Iulia
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ISSN: 2360-266X